In-Home Consultation (2 Hour Min)
In-Home Consultation (2 Hour Min)
Our design process always begins with a complimentary discover call session. This is where I chat with you about our design process and see if we are a good fit. The COMPLIMENTARY Discovery Call is 15 minutes long. Schedule your session here
We can schedule a in home consult via our call, or you can choose to schedule your In-Home Consultation via our SCHEDULING PAGE
What to expect in your (2hr.) In Home Consultation:
All our design services start with an initial consultation in your home. This helps me to get to know you and your projects needs, style and how you live in your home.
What is included in an In-Home Consultation:
Complete a “Your Design Style Questionnaire” prior to meeting that I will send to you via email.
This meeting will last about two hours.
A walk-through of your home, or room/s.
Recommendations for furniture layout.
Budget estimate outline based on concerns. You will receive the estimate next day via the email you provide.
Paint color selection
Window treatment ideas.
Ideas for new furniture
Lighting ideas
Styling ideas and tips.
Ideas on how to incorporate you existing pieces, antiques or heirloom pieces.
NOTE: Be prepare with with notes in hand to take full benefit of your paid consultation.